Join Oliver for a special breathwork workshop to learn how to use your breath's full potential, manage stress, and go deeper into your yoga practice.

Date: Sunday 31st of March

Time: 13:00 - 15:00

Location: Dottir Hot Yoga SYDHAVN

Price: 375 kr

Studio members have 15% discount.
Use the code WORKSHOP15 at checkout.


  • A pillow

  • Blanket

  • Notebook for reflection

  • Waterbottle

In this workshop we will work towards unlocking the potential of the breath, deepening the breath over a prolonged period of time to achieve deep relaxation in the body and mind and learn to manage stress.

Deep breathing relaxes the mind and body. Breathing deeply is one of the fastest ways to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, the relaxation response, which will make you feel relaxed. 

Stress is at the core of most diseases and most of us live stressful and busy lives, which is commonly accompanied with shallow breathing. When we don’t breathe properly, the body does not receive as much oxygen as it needs and it makes our muscles more contracted making it harder to release stress from the body.

If you have an active yoga practice, learning how to deepen your breath would also help you to go deeper into the stretches. If you include your breath awareness and learn to use your breaths full potential.

About the teacher

Oliver is a RYT 500 Certified yoga teacher in Ashtanga, vinyasa, and hatha style yoga who grew up with a mother who ran her own yoga studio and a father who was the head of a buddhist retreat center.

Oliver’s love of movement started at the age of 9 with karate. After years of competing professionally in Karate, Oliver developed several injuries and struggled with anxiety a good deal. It was then through the steady and consistent practice of yoga that Oliver learned to cope with his emotions, alleviate his anxiety, and help heal his stubborn physical injuries.

Looking for a way to transform uncomfortable life experiences into blissful moments? Join Oliver in class to find a calmer and more relaxed attitude – body and mind – through shared movement.