Community Voices: Our Fall Spotlight Members & Their Personal Yoga Journeys at Dóttir Hot Yoga

Julie | Dóttir member since November 2020

What brought you to first practice yoga and why?
Many years ago, I tried yoga because friends and family recommended it to me. They emphasized the physical and mental benefits, but at that point, I was not keen on doing anything but powerful sports with a lot of running and hardcore strength. I believed that it would be too boring and passive, but after my first class, I was so done! I had activated so many muscles I did not even know I could activate. Some years passed before I started practicing regularly, but after that, I never let it go again. 

What is it about yoga that keeps bringing you back to your mat?
It brings me stillness and ease, joy and knowledge of myself. For me it is a very natural way of moving, very intuitive and with low impact. It is a holistic practice with many benefits not only for the physical body but also for the mind and spirit. I feel like practicing yoga keeps my body healthy and strong from the inside out and it brings me so much joy and gratitude. 

When did you try your first hot yoga class?
My first hot yoga class was a couple of years ago. I had always sworn that it was not for me and it would be too hot, sweaty and humid. However, I fell for it and I actually thrive in the heat now. 

How long have you been a member at Dóttir Hot Yoga?
I started my journey at Dottir in November 2020, it began as a Downtown deal for 2 months unlimited yoga, but after the very first class with Karen, I was certain that I would continue! Even though it was in the middle of the worst covid-period, Karen and the team kept on working and doing so much for all of us and it always felt right to stay at Dottir – it very quickly felt like my second home.

What do you enjoy most about your yoga practice?
Oh, it’s difficult to answer. It would like to say it all!  I really enjoy the variety of the classes, from passive, slow classes to the more playful, challenging classes. I’ve become better at adjusting the practice to my needs and my energy, so I like the freedom and the way I can explore my body, my breath and the poses. Yoga is so playful and like a fluid dance, a moving meditation.  The pranayama is very precious to me, and at Dottir I have for the first time experienced that it is okay for me to breathe loud and clear and to take space and a place in this world. 

What’s a fun fact about you not many people know?
I have 5 guinea pigs at home! And in my free time I love watching and photographing birds. 

What is your favorite element of practicing yoga?
I don’t think I have just one favorite element, but I love the pranayama with focus on different energy centers and different systems in the body. Combining physical, natural and playful movements with body awareness and breathing – improving the ability to control tension and strength in different parts of the body, directing the awareness to different areas – it is like getting to know your body even better in a very mindful and compassionate way. 
Other than that, I really appreciate coming to Dottir and being in a room with other people, who all share their energy, joy and love for yoga. 

What challenges you the most in your yoga practice?
Being present, being right here, right now, as I am in the present moment, no matter which day or what has happened or will happen later. Focusing on the practice, the breath and the movement and letting thoughts and worries pass or wait until later. It is challenging to just be. 

What’s a common myth about yoga you’ve heard?
That you have to be flexible and able to touch your toes, and that it is boring, only about stretching and not “hard” enough. Often people say that they are not “good at yoga”, but according to me that is never true. Yoga is different for everyone, so you can’t be good at yoga, you can only be good to yourself in your yoga practice. 

Do you have any yoga-related goals?
I would like to improve in the sense of letting go of thoughts and not comparing myself to others around me. To be entirely in the present moment, feeling my body as it is and focusing on the breath. Other than that I would love to be able to do the pincha pose – I love arm balances and inversions, it is so much fun!

What advice would you give someone who wants to try hot yoga?
You should take it easy the first couple of times. The heat and humidity can get to you, especially if the room is filled with people. Focus on the breathing and try to find a nice rhythm and depth. Be careful not to go too deep in the poses and stretches, because the heat will automatically make you more “smooth” and flexible, but you can end up overstretching!
Also, wear long trousers or tights – a lot of sweat on your bare legs can be a challenge!

If you were going to define, “what is yoga,” what would your definition be?
Yoga is a personal journey towards getting to know yourself better, exploring and discovering your boundaries and limits and acknowledging them. It is about awareness of the body and mind, combining physical movement with acceptance and learning.  It is not only a wonderful way to move the body and getting strong, but also about moving your mind. Being there for yourself. Acknowledging yourself. Finding out what you like and do not like. Learning to say yes and no. Feeling clearly what is right for you.  Yoga is more than simple words can describe – you have to experience it yourself!
Just lastly – I am so happy to be a part of Dottir. I’m so grateful to have found such an amazing studio, so special and so warm and welcoming, like family or an old friend. I always feel supported and loved, so from the bottom of my heart – thank you Karen and the rest of the wonderful Dottir team. 

Morten | Dóttir member since October 2022

 What brought you to first practice yoga and why? 
I was working for a 6 month period in the US where I lived on top of a Hot Yoga Studio. I tried it out and thought that it was fantastic.

What is it about yoga that keeps bringing you back to your mat? 
 It gives me better mobility, better balance and builds my core strength. I continuously improve my postures.

When did you try your first hot yoga class? 
January 2022.

What do you enjoy most about your yoga practice?
That I continuously can improve and become more flexibility.

What is your favorite element of practicing yoga?
The Inversions.

What challenges you the most in your yoga practice?
My lack of mobility.

What’s a common myth about yoga you’ve heard?
That it is pure meditation.

Do you have any yoga-related goals?

Yes, I want to be able to do handstands (in the cool way)

What advice would you give someone who wants to try hot yoga?

 Do not eat a full meal before your class. It is horrible.

If you were going to define, “what is yoga,” what would your definition be? 
Great exercise for the body and mind.


Know what to expect: See how Hot Yoga can be a great alternative to Bikram Yoga


Community Voices: Our August Spotlight Members & Their Personal Yoga Journeys at Dóttir Hot Yoga